Next generation hiring solution.

Powerful, agile, all-in-one hiring tool for your recruiting needs, built with productivity at heart and loaded with features to help you hire more effectively.

30 days free trialNo credit card required

Used by 10.000+ companies around the world

...and many more

Everything you need to grow your team

Redefining job application process and let you meet the best candidates in the shortest time

  • Entrerprise Job Board

    You have a branded job board as a centralized place to display all the open positions at your organization
  • Candidate Management

    As they apply new candidates automatically show up in the hiring dashboard for efficient review and management
  • Team Collaboration

    Hiring is a team sport and Recruiter is set up to support it. With no limit on your user-count, you can invite all the help you need

End-to-end hiring process

Redefining job application process and let you meet the best candidates in the shortest time

Interactive human resources workflow

Redefining job application process and let you meet the best candidates in the shortest time

Innovatively built for recruiters and applicants

We create engaging experience with our dedicated tool, post an application and let your candidates self-checkout their way towards and interview

What our beloved customers says

We have over 10.000 companies that use our tools and services, hear their story

“Since using Recruiter, our workflow has improved dramatifally, the tool makes HR very agile and lightweight”

Anna Smith

Head of Human Resources Department

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